Tuesday 26 June 2012

succulent strawberries

this is just a random post to express my appreciation for strawberries. man, am i loving strawberry season!

Sunday 24 June 2012

brixton // hive

a couple of weeks ago rudi and i went to brixton to check out the market and search for somewhere cool to get some food ... just for something different! we stumbled across hive bar and restaurant, which i personally thought was more like a cafe. regardless of what it was called, it was the perfect place to just chill and have a lazy breaky/lunch/drink/whatever! although the service was pretty average, the food was great. their burgers were amazing - especially the one with blue cheese! 

Wednesday 20 June 2012

wandering the streets of london

today i went to the tate modern with my lovely friend paola. but this post isn't about that. i actually didn't even take a single photo there. but i took all of these on the walk there from the tube station. and it really struck me that london is a beautiful city. 

Friday 15 June 2012


i couldn't help but notice how pretty the rain on my bedroom window looked the other night. and the coolest bit was watching the raindrops change colour with the traffic lights!

Wednesday 13 June 2012

dinner date

last friday night we went out for dinner. it had been ages since we'd eaten out together so it was really lovely. we had planned on going to the pub but spotted some delicious-looking noodles through the window of this place and couldn't resist! the service was pretty rubbish and the food was average but we had such a nice time. just goes to show all you really need is good company!

Saturday 9 June 2012

mexican fiesta

we just had two whole days off together. it was almost like a normal person's weekend! and this is how we wrapped it up. it might not be fancy. but it's good enough for us!

Saturday 2 June 2012

this one's for my boy

while we were out and about last week, we walked past lord's cricket ground. it would definitely be an understatement to say rudi was a little bit excited.